Alan Poulton, who has been the Chairperson of the Society since 2014, has decided to step down from the role at the end of the year. He has made an enormous contribution to the Society over the past 8 years, but now he is looking to move on and to make room for a fresh pair of eyes to take the Society forward.
So we are looking for volunteers or suggestions for a replacement.
The Chairperson is responsible for:
• coordinating the work of the other members of the management team
• having oversight of the development of the Society in the future
• contributing or soliciting articles for Beckus and Maestro
• being the representative and spokesperson of the Society at events and meetings etc.
Please contact us for suggestions or applications. We will plan to have a Society meeting at the time of the Festival (exact details to be decided, but it will be on Zoom), at which we will appoint the new Chairperson.
Please think carefully about who could fill this key role, and please send us your ideas as soon as possible.
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